
2023 Grant Application
Our Communities OF Northwest Stokes Foundation
Our Communities of Northwest Stokes Foundation is pleased to announce a grants program that is made possible through funds raised by the Our Communities Capitol Campaign 2023-2024.
About Our Communities and the Foundation
Our Communities of NW Stokes is a local development initiative that focuses on revitalization in Francisco, Collinstown, Asbury, Aarons Corner, Harts Store, Johnstown, Westfield, and Double Creek, and on building programs and partnerships that benefit Northwest Stokes County. It is a community-driven and all-volunteer effort. Our Communities of NW Stokes Foundation, a non-profit (501C3) organization, was created in 2015 to support this work and to assist in funding projects in the region.
About the Program
What is its purpose: The program was created to encourage citizens of Northwest Stokes County to engage in projects that benefit their communities or our area as a whole; and to help people jump start, carry out, or complete projects of value to our area.
How much are the grants? Grants in the amount of $500 and $1,000 are available.
Who may apply? Individuals or groups such as school, community organizations, or clubs located in Northwest Stokes County are eligible. We encourage potential applicants to apply irrespective of their level of experience producing or managing projects. Although applicants can request either $500 or $1,000 for their project, we suggest that those without experience consider applying for a $500 grant. Grantees from previous years are eligible for new funding.
What is Northwest Stokes? Northwest Stokes is generally considered to be the part of Stokes County west of Route 8 and north of Route 268. Most of the communities are in the Big Creek Township.
How can I apply? Application forms are available at the Francisco Fire Station or downloaded below from this website. Completed applications should be emailed as PDF files to or mailed as hard copies to Our Communities of Northwest Stokes Foundation, 7104 NC 89 W, Westfield, NC 27053.
When are applications due? Completed applications forms and all letters of reference must be received by December 15, 2023.
When will awards be announced? Awards will be announced by December 31, 2023.
What kind of projects are eligible? Priority categories include: Agriculture, Arts and Culture, Education, Economic/Business Development, and Beautification and Recreation. Examples of eligible projects include music or other art events, sports activities, classes or workshops, competitions, training, school trips, gardens or trails, exhibits, children’s activities, research. No projects with a religious or political purpose will be considered.
When must the projects be completed? December 15, 2024.
What are the reporting requirements: Periodic updates may be requested throughout the year. Final reports are due within 30 days of project completion.
Will 2023 grant recipients be eligible for other OC Grants in the future? Yes.
How can applicants obtain answers to their questions about the Grant program? For questions about the application, email Thadia George at teedleg@gmail.com including “OCNWS grant” in the subject line. Guidance also will be provided for funded projects if needed.

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