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2021 Sponsors

Our Communities would also like to acknowledge generous gifts from the following donors from 2020: The H.F. Wilson Foundation, Marilyn’s Agency, Surry Communications and Kordick Family Farm.

Stokes County Farm Bureau Inc 

Kordick Family Farm 

Midsummer Brewery 

Surry Communications 

Surry Yadkin EMC 

Yadkin Valley Wildlife Federation 

Sauratown Farm 

Southview Farm 

Carolina Farms International 

Carroll Memorials 



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The first FarmFest was organized in 2016 by neighbors pulling together to create something good and new in a tough time. The Francisco School, which had been the heart of the region for almost a century, was closed in 2015. After the closure local folks dedicated themselves to finding ways to keep that heart beating in a repurposed facility. This tradition of self-reliance and resilience is as much a characteristic of the communities here as farming.

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